Bank & Finance
We have solutions for market data for both real-time and historical data. We can also handle the administration of market data. Our experts can also help with reviewing existing usage.
Ström2 offers banks trading room support. To support, run projects and administer IT in and around the trading room.
We have support technicians trained for the market’s leading system in trading voice. We can also supply complete systems from Wesley Clover Solutions. We deliver trading voice as Trading Systems Support Nordics (TSS Nordics). You can find more here.
Med många års erfarenhet inom banksektorn, har Ström2 utvecklat en mycket god förståelse för vilka krav som ställs på tjänsteleveranser. För att klara av att leva upp till våra kunders förväntningar, ställer vi själva höga krav på vår förmåga att tillhandahålla god IT-teknisk kunskap utan att göra avkall på verksamhetsförståelsen.
Vi har fördefinierat ett antal tjänster med tydliga åtaganden som verkligen ger förbättringar i våra kunders vardag idag.
- Behov av applikationssupport avseende bank – och värdepappersspecifika IT-system
- Behov av att skapa en mer kostnadseffektiv supportorganisation i och kring handlarrummen
- Behov av erfarna projektledarkompetenser som hanterar de speciella krav och miljöer er verksamhet har specifikt i och runt handlarrummet.
- Förvaltning av IT system, exempelvis förvaltning av Market Data system som funktion och till fast pris
- Skapa en central funktion för att effektivisera beställningar och behörigheter för användare i och runt handlarrummet – IT administration
- Behov av att öka kvaliteten på supporthantering mot era värdepappershandlare och VIP användare
Banking and Finance Services
Ström2 has extensive experience of service delivery to the most demanding environments within Banking and Finance.

Trading-room IT-projects
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Projects vary in scope but are often between 3 to 12 months. Several more extensive projects are longer. Of course, some minor system implementations or upgrades may be shorter than 3 months. Several of our customers already have their own developed project models and we then adapt to these.
Project – new trading room for banks
Ström2 responsible for IT / telecommunications technology in the construction of a new retail space. This in close collaboration with architects, interior designers, IT / telecom and other suppliers.
The scope of this type of project is often between 12-24 months
< br /> Either a feasibility study or during the design often includes evaluating hardware requirements both for screens and screen configurations as well as computers, merchant telephony and recording.
Project – moving dealer room for bank
On behalf of several customers, Ström2 has been responsible for IT moving store room. A moving room can be moved within one and the same building between one floor to another, it can be to new premises or abroad. Common are the high demands on accessibility and that the move must be extremely well planned and carried out in a short time and of course with a clear rollback plan. An IT move of a dealer room often has a project time of 2-6 months.
Projects – procurement of dealer telephony and recording etc.
Ström2 has many years of experience in running the procurement process and actively responsible for the procurements following the planning and monitoring contract terms, etc. The procurement work takes place in close collaboration with current stakeholders such as users from the business, risk management, IT, procurement department and compliance department.
Examples of procurement assignments are IT systems for merchant telephony, market information systems, recording, support functions.
Planning and carrying out a procurement assignment usually has a project time of between 3 -12 months.
Preliminary study, design, remodeling and relocation of retail space
Ström2 has been responsible for Designing IT for several customers in connection with remodeling or relocation of shopping rrum. For example, in connection with the planning of relocation within an existing building and it can be to new premises or abroad. Common are the high demands on accessibility and that the move must be extremely well planned and carried out in a short time and of course with a clear rollback plan. An IT move of a retail room often has a project time of 3-12 months.
As the business is extremely IT dependent, special requirements are placed on this type of project. As several of the sewing systems used in and around the trading room are business critical, special consideration and planning need to be taken into account.
In project form responsibility for IT / telecommunications in connection with the construction of a new trading room
Ström2 can be responsible for the technology for new construction of a new retail space. This in close collaboration with architects, interior designers, IT and other suppliers.
The scope of this type of project is often between 12-24 months
Either a feasibility study or during design often includes evaluating hardware requirements for both screens and screen configurations as well as computers, merchant telephony and recording.
On behalf of several customers, Ström2 has been responsible for IT relocation of retail rooms. A moving room can be moved within one and the same building between one floor to another, it can be to new premises or abroad. Common are the high demands on accessibility and that the move must be extremely well planned and carried out in a short time and of course with a clear rollback plan. An IT move of a trading room often has a project time of 2-6 months.
Upgrade and implementation projects
System upgrades must be done regularly for operations and production to work painlessly. Therefore, they must always be performed in a qualitatively safe manner and without any disruption to the business. Ström2 performs system upgrades that can mean that the client goes from one system version to another, changes the hardware platform, goes from fat to thin or virtual clients.
An upgrade or implementation project is often between 2-3 months. .
Trading IT-support
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Ström2 offers banks merchant room support. To support, run projects and administer IT in and around the trading room. Merchant room support is often delivered as a functional solution, with fixed prices and clear goal follow-up.
What to do?
Our teams and consultants always have good IT skills when it comes to client environments, knowledge of networks, packaging of software directory services, etc.
In addition to this more general competence, we are well acquainted with the specific applications users have in the trading room. Systems for placing orders on marketplaces, market information systems for monitoring and analyzing the securities market and trader telephony with associated recording.
The knowledge requirement is matched with SLA or equivalent agreement so that we always use the right competence for agreed tasks. The right competence together with clarified and documented processes for incident, problem and change management ensures that we solve our assignments in the best way. If the processes are not clarified and documented, we will make sure that they are.
How to do it?
We make sure that our consultants act according to the rules of the game that apply to the client and support through active leadership. It is not enough to be competent in IT to provide good support and create satisfied customers. We must also ensure that there are policies and regulations for how cases are to be prioritized and resolved.
Why should it be done?
Goals, meaning and understanding of the client and its activities are a key factor for our consultants to be able to communicate, prioritize and develop the assignments. Therefore, all Ström2 consultants must undergo introductory training that creates insight not only into the client’s organization, but also into trading room instruments and how the securities industry works and develops.
By working with “what-how-why” together with our clients, we create a delivery quality that can be compared and that ensures that traders have the best possible conditions to do a good job! p>
Trading room IT-Admin
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Our experience is that in order for the IT administration to function in the best possible way, it must work closely with the dealer room’s IT support. What the IT administration orders, is installed and supported by the IT support. A close collaboration provides high efficiency.
Most of our customers outsource IT administration to us. We are responsible for ensuring that the function is in place and that it works in accordance with the business’s routines.
As Ström2 has several customers with the same type of need, we can offer an even and high level of delivery of the services and can provide rapid redundancy in the event of any type of absence such as illness, holidays, short-term temporary employment, etc.
VIP IT-Support
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Our teams and consultants have extensive experience of supporting users with particularly high demands on service and support.
The service always includes good IT skills when it comes primarily to client environments with Office, synchronized software for PDA / smartphones, conference equipment, etc.
But at least as important is a representative, solution-oriented and discreet behavior.
What to do?
Our teams and consultants always have good IT skills when it comes to the client environment with Office, synchronized software for PDAs / smartphones, conference equipment such as projectors, video conferencing, etc. Of course we also have expertise in networks and AD. The knowledge requirement is matched with SLA or a corresponding agreement so that we always use the right competence for agreed tasks. The right competence together with clarified and documented processes for incident management, problem and change management ensures that we solve our assignments in the best way. If the processes are not clarified and documented, we will make sure they are.
How to do it?
We make sure that our consultants act according to the rules of the game that apply to the client and support through active leadership. It is not enough to be competent in IT to provide good support and create satisfied VIP customers.
Equally important in these assignments is that we deliver a high level of service, behave representatively, solution-oriented and discreetly.
Why should it be done?
Objectives, meaning and understanding for the client and its activities are a key factor for our consultants to be able to communicate, prioritize and develop the assignments. Therefore, all Ström2 consultants must undergo introductory training that creates insight not only into the client’s organization, but also into trading room instruments and how the securities industry works and develops.
<€ By working with “what-how-why” together with our clients, we create a delivery quality that can be compared and that ensures that retailers have the best possible conditions to do a good job!
Market data
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Ström2 is hired by banks and asset managers to carry out projects in the market data area.
Ström2 offers technical specialist competence in market data systems. Specialized competence with long experience of technology and function, but also experience of how the business uses these systems from an application perspective.
Ström2 offers technical specialist competence in market data systems. Specialized competence with long experience of technology and function, but also experience of how the business uses these systems from an application perspective.
System owner
We take over the function as system owner in the client’s business and organization. We are responsible for the system, budget follow-up, relationship with supplier, requirements for management organization and more.
This function is often outsourced to Ström2. The scope depends on the need, from a part-time technician, to several full-time assignments. We are happy to offer this service at a fixed price.
IT Management
By IT management we mean ongoing maintenance, patch management, control and testing of MSI packaging, 2nd line support of the systems and applications, evaluation, ongoing dialogue with suppliers and with system owners and users. Life Cycle Management plan for systems and some development of systems. This function is often outsourced to Ström2. The scope depends on the need, from a part-time technician, to several full-time assignments. We are happy to service this at a fixed price.
Upgrades and rollouts
We are responsible for upgrades and rollouts of systems, as part of the above management role or in project form.
This type of project is limited in time and varies in scope, often involving 1-4 week projects.
Inventory, evaluation and recommendations on market data systems
< br /> We review the technical platform, provide recommendations and suggestions for action.
We support issues related to refueling “end of day” courses or “snapshot courses” of market information to other systems and platforms, such as refueling for fund, asset management systems for NAV courses or portfolio valuation. Real-time data for trading, risk or web application / system. The scope of this type of project is often about 1-2 weeks.
Design and consulting
We help to design a technical solution for, for example, transferring price information to a operating system. We act as advisors on market data systems, provide suggestions for technical solutions, etc.
The assignments vary in scope, but a normal project time is 1-4 weeks.
For players in the financial industry, Market Data with adjacent IT areas is a complex environment that accounts for a large proportion of IT costs. A high rate of development in terms of services, products and content makes the area difficult to overview for those who do not work with it on a daily basis. And there are a variety of providers of both systems and information. External help is usually required to check that you have an optimal product mix that meets the organization’s needs. Our experience is, for example, that it is very common with overlapping or even unnecessary system solutions and services, which leads to unnecessarily high costs and at the same time risk of operational disruptions.
Ström2 offers a number of specially designed service packages that effectively and firmly gives you an overview of the current situation and suggestions for measures. The different service packages make it easy to get started with the parts that are prioritized. You continue
Endast data som behövs för att hemsidan över huvud taget ska fungera. -
Data för att vi ska kunna förbättra hemsidans funktionalitet och uppbyggnad, baserat på hur hemsidan används. -
För att vår hemsida ska prestera så bra som möjligt under ditt besök. Om du nekar de här kakorna kommer viss funktionalitet att försvinna från hemsidan. -
Genom att dela med dig av dina intressen och ditt beteende när du surfar ökar du chansen att få se personligt anpassat innehåll och erbjudanden.